Home from Vacation
Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 8:52PM
Shauen & Krista

Krista, Shauen and Baby Trump enjoying the Indian Ocean!We just arrived home from our wonderful vacation in Kenya. We had one week of personal vacation, one week of retreat, and then a couple days in Nairobi checking out hospitals in case we decide to go there to deliver Baby Trump. I would love to say that we did this and saw that, but I can't. Really, we just did nothing and loved every minute of it! Shauen didn't bring his laptop and didn't check his email once the two and a half weeks we were gone (he had over 200 emails waiting when we got home). It was a mental break that he sorely needed. We caught up on sleep, read books for pleasure, played in the water and enjoyed having time for just the two of us. Our most stressful moment of the day was choosing which lawnchair to sit in! After a week of this rough life, we were joined by the rest of the LCMS East Africa team and the Rodewalds from South Africa (Mike is the Reginal Director for Africa). Pastor Jim and Jolene Heining were also able to attend and Jim led the devotions and a wonderful discuOne of our Favorite Places to Sit and Readssion on the book of Philippians. This happened to be the last week of their 6 weeks in Uganda and by being the leader, he freed everyone else from this responsibility. It was great being together with everyone, having fellowship and sharing various joys and frustrations with each other. We were so blessed to have this opportunity. I know Shauen and I arrived home feeling refreshed and strengthened, both physically and emotionally.  -Krista(L to R) Row 1: Jim Heining, Walter Winterle, Shauen Trump, Mike Rodewald, Caleb Rodewald, Claude Houge Row 2: Jolene Heining, Lidia Winterle, Krista Trump, Cindy Rodewald, Rhoda Houge Row 3: Seth Rodewald, Jacob Rodewald, Jake Gillard, Michelle Gillard Row 4: Evangeline Gillard, Amelia Gillard

Article originally appeared on TheTrumps.org (http://www.thetrumps.org/).
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