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Josiah went to great lengths to explain how cities laid out on a grid (like Jinja, Uganda) are difficult to navigate. He asserts, “You keep getting lost!“ He’s impressed with our fellow missionaries, Mark and Megan Mantey’s, ability to get to the store that sells dill pickles.



When the family is splitting Cheetos from the States as a special treat on Christmas Eve. Yeah, she’s weighing them...



Somehow tricked my boys into giving my back a massage. Interesting combination of techniques but as long as I get to lay down, I’m game!





Gotta love that Scottish Norweigan Salmon...



Saturday Swim at the boys’ school: Elijah (getting out of the 3-ft deep pool and padding over to me): “Can I go swim in the deep pool? I promise I won’t drown!” Me: “Um, no. I don’t think that’s how it works.”


December 1, 2017 Newsletter

Writing from Nairobi, Kenya
December 1, 2017

Nine New Pastors Ordained in Tanzania

Candidates for Ordination Wait Patiently for the Service to Begin
Candidates for Ordination Wait Patiently for the Service to Begin

Between the special guests, bishops donning all their kit, and the brass band warming up, the little trading center of Uchira, Tanzania, drew an inordinate amount of attention from those passing by on the highway that divides the town. When all were assembled, the procession began with the cross leading us down the motorway. Traffic slowed and then stopped as a couple hundred Lutherans crossed the road and made their way to the grounds of the Lutheran Church of East Africa's (LCEA) arch-cathedral where others had already gathered for the celebration. The assembly included representation from almost all the areas where the LCEA has congregations - Tanga district, Machame, Karatu, Kilimanjaro, Nairobi, Kahe, and Taveta. 

The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod has worked alongside the LCEA for many years. Many of Shauen's co-workers have supported and encouraged the ministry - Pastor Jonathan Clausing has taught at their seminary, Shara Osiro has arranged and hosted short term teams doing evangelism and Mercy Medical Team clinics, Sarah Kanoy has worked with those Mercy Medical Teams and also in the LCEA's hospital, and Shauen has visited many times.  There are also the projects supported by the LCMS - the chapel roofs projects, the support for their seminary, the scholarships to the next-level seminary in Kenya, the motorcycles for pastors and evangelists, the English courses, the mercy work - all projects through which the Gospel is proclaimed.  This weekend was one of those times when the church bears witness to the impact of those efforts - a church body that has grown substantially from Shauen's first visit seven years ago - the result of ongoing relationships and partnership in the Gospel for the sake of the lost. 

Pastor Yacobo's New Stole is Adjusted
Pastor Yacobo's New Stole is Adjusted
Josiah Examines the Lei Given to Him by the Bishop
Josiah Examines the Lei Given to Him by the Bishop

Although many of the candidates for ordination were known to Shauen, there were two in particular who stood out - Yacobo and Godson, both from Kahe. Shauen and St. Andrew's Lutheran Church in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, a Congregation Connect partner with the LCEA, have enjoyed working with these two men in their capacity as evangelists for several years. This week, they were ordained by their church leaders into the office of public ministry with the Kahe congregation choir singing in the service. Among the offerings collected in the course of the ordination service was an offering for the church building in Kahe which has seen slow but steady progress in collecting materials over the years in preparation for building a permanent structure. 

After the candidates were ordained, their wives were brought forward for a blessing from the archbishop. They, also, will bear a burden for the work their husbands do. By the end of the service the new pastors had received a clerical shirt (gift from the LCMS), the white robe, the red stole that marks their office, and the other vestments used in the worship service. Thus arrayed, at the conclusion of the 5 hour ordination service, these nine new pastors were presented to the church which responded with joyful outbursts of applause, ululating, singing, and dancing. Praise the Lord for the workers He calls to this office and those men's joy-filled proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Newly Ordained Pastors of the LCEA as the Service Concludes
Newly Ordained Pastors of the LCEA as the Service Concludes

Photos in Focus

Trump Boys on Safari, at Home,
at the Christmas Fair, and in Bucharest for Meetings

Prayer Requests

For Jeremiah (and us) as he gets his first teeth

For the missionaries of our field as Shauen delegates various tasks and implements a structure to provide better support and missionary care

For wisdom, discernment, and patience for Shauen and Krista in their work as spouses, parents, and missionaries

For the missionaries, projects, and relationships Shauen oversees for the church
In Praise

For Shauen's safe travels and good visits in Tanzania

For God's provision of pastors for His people - and particularly those who don't yet know the Good News of Jesus Christ - in Tanzania

For Shauen's opportunity to spend time at home (no trips!) with Krista and the boys over the holidays

For healthy, safe, and thriving children
Financial Support
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or one-time gift securely through the Give Now button above
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Make checks payable to "The LCMS" and mark the memo line “Trump-East Africa” to send a tax-deductible gift through one of the following:
The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod
PO Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861
Mission Central
40718 Highway E 16
Mapleton, IA 51034
Contact Us

Shauen & Krista Trump
PO Box 22
Karen 00502 KENYA
Copyright © 2017 Rev. Shauen and Krista Trump, All rights reserved.


Between teething and a cold that had him coughing quite a bit, this poor little guy (and his parents) had a bit of a rough night. But he’s still all smiles in the morning!



7:30pm Isaiah (now age 4): "Do my clothes still fit me?" Me (looking at the size 3 pajama shirt on backwards with what should be long sleeves ending several inches above his wrists): "Yeah, buddy, they're fine right now. But let's try and switch you to the next size up tomorrow."



Happy Trump boys on safari - aspiring safari guides and photographers



Thanksgiving Friday - taking my boys on safari in Nairobi. Yay for time with family!



Examination of two missionary kids who will be confirmed this weekend as our field worships together at a Continuing Education module



It is so good to get home after a long trip. Coffee and a napping baby make for a perfect morning on the porch.


September 21, 2017 Field Notes

Writing from St. Louis, MO
September 21, 2017

Homestead to Homestead Visits in Kahe, Tanzania

The Evangelism Team Visits a Couple Outside of Kahe, Tanzania

The sounds of small-town life in Kahe, Tanzania are not altogether unpleasant. There's the chickens, the gentle wind, the herds of cows moving through town, the occasional motorcycle passing by, the chatter of women over cooking fires, the distant crackling of sugarcane fields burning, and now there's the occasional blaring television and the radio at the bar next door. Kahe has been electrified. Electric lights, televisions, and charging available for cell phones have all had an impact on life in Kahe since we were there last year. Electricity brings some benefit and visible change for the lives of the people of Kahe. The power of the Holy Spirit, though, brings new life. 

As the team worked through the town and outlying villages day after day, we encountered some families we had seen before. There was the woman who had traveled all the way from Kahe to Himo to come to the LCMS Mercy Medical Team clinic earlier this year because of a severe problem with her leg. While her situation exceeded the capabilities of the medical clinic, the clinic provided the funding for her referral to the backing hospital which was able to provide care. She is now recovered and was overwhelmed with appreciation and gratitude during our visit as part of the same mission.

Deacon Yacobo and the Woman Treated through the LCMS Mercy Medical Team

Later in the week, we visited Witness, a young girl who had been suffering under spiritual oppression during our last visit. Last year, her family described behaviors and observations that were indicative of demonic possession or torment.  They were concerned a neighbor had used sorcery or witchcraft to curse the girl. Last year, Shauen had shared Scripture with the family, pointing to her baptism and to Christ crucified who has full authority over heaven and earth. We had prayed with the family, prayed over the child, and blessed the girl, the family, and the home. This year, Witness sat with us, timid but content and thriving, her oppression lifted and faith strong. Today she stands tall as a witness to the entire community. 

When the Team Encountered a Brick Yard, Several of Us Took a Turn at Brickmaking

We were privileged to visit countless homes throughout the area, moving from homestead to homestead under the guidance of the local deacons and often simply asking at one home where we should go next. When we encountered Christians we asked them to share a passage of Scripture with us as encouragement and often shared the impact that passage has had in our lives or shared another passage back with them. When we visited with those who were Muslims or unconnected to the church, we shared passages with a clear Gospel message.  We prayed over the sick, prayed over homesteads, and prayed for the Holy Spirit to turn hearts. Sunday worship that week was a joyful celebration where we recognized some of the faces of those we had visited through the week. 

In addition to leading this dedicated and passionate team from St. Andrew's Lutheran Church in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, Shauen also had papers due for school. So practically any moment that wasn't filled with team training, food, fellowship, or evangelism found Shauen in one of his Christian Anthropology textbooks or writing a paper. The whole team finished strong. The Gospel proclaimed, faith strengthened and encouraged, and papers turned in.

Praise the Lord for His good work among His people in Kahe!

Shauen Takes a Moment to Read a Few More Pages of a Textbook - with a Friend

Photos in Focus

Josiah, Elijah, Isaiah, and Jeremiah

Prayer Requests

For wisdom, discernment, and patience for Shauen and Krista in their work as spouses, parents, and missionaries

For the missionaries, projects, and relationships Shauen oversees for the church

For Shauen's current travels and presentations in St. Louis, Ft. Wayne, and Minot North Dakota
In Praise

For God's people in Kahe, Tanzania who heard the Gospel

For the Mercy Medical Team who served in Himo, Tanzania earlier this year

For a healthy and happy Jeremiah who brings us such joy
Contact Us At:

Shauen & Krista Trump
PO Box 22
Karen 00502 KENYA
To support this work financially,
you may send a tax-deductible gift to:

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
PO Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861

Make checks payable to The LCMS and mark the memo line “Trump-East Africa”
Give securely online at
Copyright © 2017 Rev. Shauen and Krista Trump, All rights reserved.


Our landlord is doing some work - the workers dumped excess dirt into our boy's digging spot. Elijah is ecstatic!



Jeremiah's Big Adventure: Here's our home, bud. Let's put your brothers to bed. Glad you woke up for this part. Karibu nyumbani, Jeremiah!



Jeremiah's Big Adventure: plane, train, escalators, and now a bus to Heathrow Terminal 3. He seems unimpressed.



Jeremiah's Big Adventure: On board to London!



Jeremiah's Big Adventure: sleeping away the flight.



Jeremiah's Big Adventure starts today in just a couple hours. He's rested, fed, and oblivious to the coming journey.