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Our First Thanksgiving in Africa

We had a wonderful first Thanksgiving here in Uganda. While it was more of an international affair (there were Irish, South Africans, Italians, Canadians, Sudanese and Ugandans there besides Americans) it was definitely an American Thanksgiving. I brought green beans, homemade applesauce and pecan pie (had brought the pecans over with me from the States). There was also turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce, bread, carrot souffle (a yummy substitute for sweet potato casserole), salad, lima beans, onions in cream, apple crisp, and of course, pumpkin pie. We had a lovely time in fellowship with others and the food was amazing. As is traditional for Thanksgiving, we both overate and came away completely stuffed. The only thing that didn't feel like Thanksgiving was the warm weather and the mosquitoes! Well, that and the hum of the generator that we had to speak over due to the power going out. Regardless, we were blessed to share the holiday with friends and have a little taste of home, somthing that I had foolishly been worrying about!  -Krista