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Field Notes Newsletter

Writing from Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
July 13, 2021

A Year of Change - A Baby, A Promotion, and New Ministries

The past year has been described in many ways - "The COVID Year," "The Lost Year," and the heavily-loaded "2020." For our family, it felt all these ways and more. The past 18 months have brought significant changes to our lives - and not only because of the pandemic. We have missed opportunities to share these changes with you and are only able to point out some highlights in this short note. Our family remains deeply grateful for your faithful prayers, encouragement, and support even when you haven't heard from us in this newsletter format. Here are the three highlights from the past year or so that we want to feature for you: a new baby, a promotion, and new ministries in the midst of the pandemic. Our family has been in the United States over the summer with very limited travel as we welcomed Esther and is eagerly anticipating a return to Kenya in the first week of August. 


Introducing Baby Esther Trump

With great joy, we introduce Esther Trump, the newest member of our family. Esther was born in May and is thriving and healthy. She was baptized at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin a few days after her birth. Her brothers dote on her and are eager helpers, frequently arguing over who will get to hold her. Krista is doing well and Esther is starting to settle into a routine. 


Shauen Accepts Position of Regional Director for Africa

Shauen has been asked to serve as the Regional Director for Africa, adding responsibility for West and Central Africa to his existing responsibility for Eastern and Southern Africa. As The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod’s Regional Director for Africa, Shauen regularly engages church leaders in more than 25 countries to equip, enable, and encourage them in the work the Lord has put before them to spread the gospel, plant Lutheran churches and train church workers, and show mercy. In support of this, Shauen supervises the LCMS missionaries across the continent, coordinates with other entities, mission societies, and church bodies, and communicates with the boards, institutions, districts, congregations, and members of the LCMS. He also oversees the implementation of convention and board directives and the development and execution of strategies, programs, projects, and grants for Africa. 


Ministry in the Africa Region

Bishop Selestine Seburikoko of The Lutheran Mission in Africa - Synod of Thousand Hills Hosts a Live Radio Broadcast Show to Proclaim The Gospel across Rwanda
Last year, ministry around the world changed drastically. Government orders across Africa closed schools at all levels including seminaries, worship services were suspended, travel restrictions were imposed, and international airports were closed. Then as the situation wore on, things opened up, and then closed again, and then opened again. Despite the challenges and the suspension of some opportunities, the Lord also provided new avenues to proclaim the Gospel - through significant new radio programs, for example - and new ways to compassionately care for those around us through economic and educational COVID relief programs. The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod quickly pivoted to provide grants in support of these new opportunities and expects to continue providing such support for the year ahead as the nations of Africa continue to seek the best ways to protect their citizens while preserving their livelihoods.

Photos in Focus

The Trump Boys


Prayer Requests

For quick receipt of two of our children's passports that are still with the US State Department

For the Trump boys as they wrap up summer - that their school in Kenya may open on schedule and continue in-person learning throughout the year

For wisdom, discernment, and patience for Shauen and Krista in their work as spouses, parents, and missionaries

For Shauen in his new role as regional director and the missionaries, projects, and relationships he oversees for the church

For the people of Africa as governments seek to protect citizens while preserving livelihoods
In Praise

For healthy and thriving Baby Esther and our family's ability to return to the States for her birth in May

For radio broadcast programs supported by The LCMS, particularly in Rwanda and Tanzania

For the LCMS's faithful and generous support of missionaries and mission opportunities throughout the challenges of the pandemic

For Josiah, Elijah, Isaiah, and Jeremiah's good health and warm welcome of Esther

For Shauen's completion of coursework for his PhD and opportunity to start his comprehensive exams and dissertation in the months ahead
Financial Support
Give Now through the LCMS Website
Give Now through the Mission Central Website
To support this work financially, please give a recurring
or one-time gift securely through one of the Give Now
buttons above or online at or 
Make checks payable to "The LCMS" and mark the memo line “Trump-East Africa” to send a tax-deductible gift through one of the following:
The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod
PO Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861
Mission Central
40718 Highway E 16
Mapleton, IA 51034

Field Notes Newsletter Out

Writing from Nairobi, Kenya
March 31, 2020

The Trump Family Gratefully Continues in Service in Kenya

The Trump Family in Northern Kenya in December 2019

The Lord through His church sent our family to serve His people in Eastern and Southern Africa. We live among His people here, in Kenya, far from our relatives, the comforts of our home cultures, and our own “ancestral lands.” What we have undertaken for the sake of the Gospel does not make sense to the world.

The challenges of travel, work, and gathering together due to the restrictions related to COVID-19 are certainly preventing us from carrying out the work we had planned. Seminaries are closed and students have been sent home. Congregations are not allowed to gather for worship. Conferences and seminars are suspended by government order. Short term teams and volunteers cannot make it to their assignments.

Shauen Led a Sunday Service from the East Africa Field Office's Chapel 
in Early March before COVID-19 Restrictions 

The Gospel itself, the very core of our work as a mission, is conveyed in relationships. Relationships are hard to foster and maintain in this restricted environment. Nevertheless, we see that in this – as in all those things we would call tragedies – God is at work. Many doors have been shut but God will open new ones. Our own plans have been canceled or suspended or are simply no longer tenable but God’s plans are beautiful and generous and will come to fruition, glorifying His name.

Some of our missionaries were in the United States for their time of home-service while others have prayerfully requested and been granted temporary re-assignment to the United States where they will continue what work they can from afar. The rest of our team has prayerfully elected to remain in place, even as secular organizations and some mission agencies have forcibly repatriated all their workers. Our missionaries believe they are exactly where we should be, whether in Africa or in the United States.  Our own family feels grateful that the LCMS has permitted us to remain on the field. We appreciate the huge amounts of support we have received from the mission.  

The Trump Family Coordinates Sunday Worship Online
from the East Africa Field Office's Teleconference Room
Our missionary team is taking this time of pause, this forced Sabbath, to catch up, to gather strength, to re-gather our community through the myriad of digital platforms available to us today, to seek the new opportunities the Lord is opening for Word and Sacrament ministry, for teaching, and for showing mercy to His people. Whether in the United States or on the field, our missionaries are poised, ready to respond, ready to serve, and eager give an answer to anyone who asks us to give the reason for the hope that we have.

If, after this time of forced rest and respite, God re-opens our familiar paths of ministry, our teachers will return with joy to the classroom as soon as students are there, our pastors will return to the congregations eager to hear the Word and receive the Sacrament, our volunteer coordinator will start rescheduling those who support the ministries on this field, our project managers and communication specialists and administrators and consultants will take up their work with renewed strength and the Word of God on their lips. If instead of those traditional familiar paths of ministry, the world is moving into a new normal where some of those are no longer possible, we strive ahead to see how the Lord will enable us to walk with Him in mission, spreading the Gospel, planting Lutheran churches, and showing mercy.
The Trump Boys in School in Their At-Home Classroom

Photos in Focus


Prayer Requests

For the Trump boys as they learn from home - and especially for patience for Krista as she helps with their programming from school

For wisdom, discernment, and patience for Shauen and Krista in their work as spouses, parents, and missionaries

For the missionaries, projects, and relationships Shauen oversees for the church

For the responses and restrictions of the governments in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and Ethiopia as they react to COVID-19

For Shauen as he enters the Comprehensive Exam phase of his PhD program
In Praise

For LCMS International Mission permitting us to remain on-station in Kenya during the COVID-19 outbreak

That our family is together

For Shauen's unexpected time at home during what is usually a busy travel season

For healthy, safe, and thriving children

For the technology that allows our missionary team to gather for worship, fellowship,  conversation, and deliberation about the doors God is opening in the midst of the pandemic
Financial Support
Give Now through the LCMS Website
Give Now through the Mission Central Website
To support this work financially, please give a recurring
or one-time gift securely through one of the Give Now
buttons above or online at or 
Make checks payable to "The LCMS" and mark the memo line “Trump-East Africa” to send a tax-deductible gift through one of the following:
The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod
PO Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861
Mission Central
40718 Highway E 16
Mapleton, IA 51034
Contact Us
(correspondence ONLY - no checks)
Shauen & Krista Trump
PO Box 22
Karen 00502 KENYA
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Copyright © 2020 Rev. Shauen and Krista Trump, All rights reserved.

LCMS Convention Celebrates 125 Years of Mission Work


TAMPA, Fla. — In 1894, the German Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio and Other States — now known as The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) — called the Rev. Theodore Naether to be its first official missionary. Naether arrived in India the next year, where he spent the rest of his life working tirelessly to spread the Gospel.
Now 125 years later, the Synod continues to send missionaries around the world. Some 130 full-time LCMS missionaries...
Read the full article on the LCMS blog:

Field Notes Newsletter Released

Writing from Tampa, Florida
July 25, 2019

Shauen Addresses the 2019 LCMS National Convention

Rev. Shauen Trump shares a story from Mozambique at the Convention 
(photo courtesy LCMS Communications Dept / 
Frank Kohn)

Yesterday Shauen was privileged to address the 2019 LCMS National Convention. The live-feed video from the convention is archived through the LCMS Convention website (see Wednesday's afternoon video) or linked through our own website at The introductory video about Mozambique (about 90 seconds) is followed by Shauen's presentation to the ~1,050 voting delegates and ~200 advisors and observers of the Convention. There is a concluding video about Mozambique as well, after which the business of the LCMS convention continues, starting with a resolution celebrating the LCMS's work in Africa and recognizing its missionaries, their families, and directors, Rev. Gary Schulte and Rev. Shauen Trump, adopted by the convention unanimously, moving on to other international mission resolutions around minute 17:30. Please take a look through the preview below!

Video of Shauen Presenting at the LCMS Convention
followed by ongoing convention proceedings
Immediately after Shauen's presentation (including videos), Standing Floor Committee 2, International Mission, presented the following resolution to the convention which was adopted unanimously:
To Give Thanks to God for the Work
of the Office of International Mission in the Africa Region


WHEREAS, The Great Commission of Matthew 28 has been and will until the Last Day remain the heart of the Church’s mission, to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations; and

WHEREAS, In 1928 Jonathan Ekong came to the United States seeking a church that would teach the Word of God in its purity and also help establish good schools in Nigeria; and

WHEREAS, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) is active in 25 African nations, working with seven partner churches, 29 full-time missionaries deployed by the Office of International Mission (OIM) with 46 accompanying family members; and

WHEREAS, The OIM has deployed five mercy medical teams in fiscal year 2019, engaging in both wellness and general health awareness as well as spiritual care; and

WHEREAS, The African region of the OIM has partnered with LCMS congregations to send short-term teams to Africa resulting in long-term relationships; and

WHEREAS, Numerous African church bodies, both English- and French-speaking, have requested fellowship with the LCMS; and

WHEREAS, Theological education remains a priority in the Africa region through numerous seminaries and Bible institutes for pastoral, deaconess and evangelist formation; and

WHEREAS, The LCMS has worked for many years to create theological literature and hymnals in multiple countries and languages; and

WHEREAS, The OIM is dedicated to spreading the Gospel far and wide and planting churches by the leading of the Holy Spirit in His Word; therefore be it

Resolved, That Synod commend the OIM for its continued work in the Africa region; and be it further

Resolved, That Synod in convention give thanks to God for the Africa region missionaries, their families, supporters, and the region’s directors Rev. Gary Schulte and Rev. Shauen Trump.
Rev. Shauen Trump shares a story from Mozambique at the Convention
(photo courtesy LCMS Communications Dept / Erik M. Lunsford)

Photos in Focus

Prayer Requests

For the Trump boys as Josiah, Elijah, and Isaiah start a new school year

For wisdom, discernment, and patience for Shauen and Krista in their work as spouses, parents, and missionaries

For the missionaries, projects, and relationships Shauen oversees for the church

For a safe and uneventful return to Kenya next week at the conclusion of our summer home-service in the USA

For the travels Shauen expects in August and September to Angola, South Africa, Uganda, and other countries
In Praise

For the opportunity for Shauen to address the LCMS National Convention

For the LCMS in convention recognizing and thanking God for the church's work in Africa and her missionaries and their families

For safety as our summer home-service draws to a close

For recovery from sickness that Shauen struggled with for the first 2/3rds of our home service

For healthy, safe, and thriving children
Financial Support
Give Now through the LCMS Website
Give Now through the Mission Central Website
To support this work financially, please give a recurring
or one-time gift securely through one of the Give Now
buttons above or online at or 
Make checks payable to "The LCMS" and mark the memo line “Trump-East Africa” to send a tax-deductible gift through one of the following:
The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod
PO Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861
Mission Central
40718 Highway E 16
Mapleton, IA 51034
Contact Us
(correspondence ONLY - no checks)
Shauen & Krista Trump
PO Box 22
Karen 00502 KENYA
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Celebrating 10 Years of Ministry

In January of 2019, our family celebrated our 10 year deployment anniversary. We are pleased and grateful to share a little bit of that journey with you today:


A story told with Adobe Spark




May 21, 2019 Newsletter Released

Writing from Nairobi, Kenya
May 21, 2019

A New Relationship in Tanzania - Mbulu Diocese

Rev. Brent Kulhman of Murdock, Nebraska, presents to pastors of the Mbulu Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania 
(photo courtesy of Erik Lunsford, LCMS Staff Photographer)

Last week, Rev. Brent Kuhlman of Trinity Lutheran Church in Murdock, Nebraska, presented at a pastor's conference in Mbulu, Tanzania. With insightful comments, thought-provoking questions, and open dialogue, about 70 pastors together explored what Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions say about vocation, the office of the holy ministry, and the order of creation. Although The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod (LCMS) has no relationship with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT) as a whole, we do have relationships with a few of their dioceses which have reached out to the LCMS over the years. 

Earlier this year, in response to Bishop Nzelu's request, Rev. Shauen Trump made an initial visit to the Mbulu Diocese of the ELCT to learn more about their diocese, share about the LCMS, and explore opportunities to work together. That visit was collegial and positive, with joy on both sides as we recognized common ground in our public confessions. Rev. Kuhlman's visit was a second step in the relationship, an opportunity for The LCMS to establish a foundation for the relationship in God's Word and set expectations about our own priorities and strengths. The team representing the LCMS included missionary Shara Osiro and Erik Lunsford and Kevin Armbrust from the LCMS communications department in St. Louis. 

Rev. George Ondieki of Lutheran Heritage Foundation and Rev. Shauen Trump greet pastors of the Mbulu Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania
(photo courtesy of Erik Lunsford, LCMS Staff Photographer)

Shauen and Rev. Kuhlman were also accompanied by Rev. George Ondieki of the Lutheran Heritage Foundation, which supported the conference with a distribution of the Swahili Book of Concord. Prior to last week, only two of the pastors in attendance had their own copy of the Book of Concord which contains a number of writings collectively called the Lutheran Confessions. Rev. Kuhlman referred to this resource frequently with Rev. Ondieki providing assistance in locating citations in the Large Catechism and the Augsburg Confession. At the conclusion of the conference, Rev. Ondieki distributed additional books as gifts from The Lutheran Heritage Foundation. 

Visits were also made to congregations and institutions of the Mbulu Diocese before the team traveled to Moshi, Tanzania, where Rev. Kuhlman is presenting at a conference for the independent Lutheran Church in East Africa. Praise the Lord for these opportunities to walk together!

Rev. Shauen Trump visits with the evangelist who started the church in Endagaw, Tanzania
(photo courtesy of Shara Osiro, Africa Communications Specialist)

Home Service

This summer, the Trump Family is on home-service in the States. While we can't get to all of the places where our dear friends and supporters live, this summer we are making visits in these locations. We pray you are able to join us - we would love to see you!

Sunday June 2 - Trinity Lutheran Church in Rupert, Idaho
Sunday June 9 - St. Mark Lutheran Church in Ferndale, California
Friday June 14 - St. Luke Lutheran Church in Oakridge, Oregon
Saturday June 15 - Immanuel Lutheran Church in Sandy, Oregon
Sunday June 16 - Peace Lutheran Church in Chehalis, Washington
Wednesday June 19 - St. Matthew's Lutheran Church in Port Angeles, Washington
Thursday June 20 - Epiphany Lutheran Church in Kenmore, Washington
Saturday June 22 - Peace Lutheran Church in Monroe, Washington
Saturday June 22 - Light of Christ Lutheran Church in Federal Way, Washington
Sunday June 23 - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Tacoma, Washington
Saturday June 29 - Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer in Kokomo, Indiana
Sunday June 30 - Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer in Kokomo, Indiana
Saturday July 6 - Faith Lutheran Church in Lake Forest, Illinois
Sunday July 7 - Faith Lutheran Church in Lake Forest, Illinois
Saturday July 13 - St. John's Lutheran Church in West Bend, Wisconsin
Sunday July 14 - St. John's Lutheran Church in West Bend, Wisconsin
Saturday July 27 - Trinity Downtown in Orlando, Florida
Sunday July 28 - Trinity Downtown in Orlando, Florida



Photos in Focus

Prayer Requests

For wisdom, discernment, and patience for Shauen and Krista in their work as spouses, parents, and missionaries

For the missionaries, projects, and relationships Shauen oversees for the church

For the Trump boys as they wrap up the school year

For Shauen to be able to manage work and class while traveling and speaking this summer 
In Praise

For the conferences in Tanzania with Mbulu Diocese and the Lutheran Church in East Africa

For Jeremiah's birthday this week

For our wedding anniversary in June

For the opportunity to see friends and family this summer

For healthy, safe, and thriving children
Financial Support
Give Now through the LCMS Website
Give Now through the Mission Central Website


To support this work financially, please give a recurring
or one-time gift securely through one of the Give Now
buttons above or online at or 
Make checks payable to "The LCMS" and mark the memo line “Trump-East Africa” to send a tax-deductible gift through one of the following:
The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod
PO Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861
Mission Central
40718 Highway E 16
Mapleton, IA 51034
Contact Us
(correspondence ONLY - no checks)
Shauen & Krista Trump
PO Box 22
Karen 00502 KENYA
Copyright © 2019 Rev. Shauen and Krista Trump, All rights reserved.

Elijah Considers Consequences for His Brother

Elijah, age 7: "Isaiah [age 5] wasn’t helping pick up. So I was thinking about consequences. Maybe he should have no TV or maybe he can’t play with house three [neighbors] on the weekend… You have a choice."

Shauen: "Okay. You’re right. He wasn’t picking up like I had asked. But he was playing with Jeremiah [almost 2 years old], and that was helping both of us so that Jeremiah wouldn’t take toys out as you were trying to pick them up, huh? So he was still helping, but he should’ve asked me first if that’s what he could do."

Elijah: "Yeah. Maybe then just a time out or a talking to."

Shauen: "Okay. Thank you..."


March 26, 2019 Field Notes Released

Writing from Nairobi, Kenya
March 26, 2019

Ambassadors of Reconciliation Leads a Conversation in Rwanda

Bishop Selestine Seburikoko (LMA-STH) and Dwight Schettler (AoR) present the small catechism-based "Go and Be Reconciled: What Does This Mean?"

Grief and loss never disappear in this fallen and broken world. They just become a part of you, a little less painful day by day. Although the genocide in Rwanda was twenty-five years ago, it still comes up frequently in conversation. National reconciliation programs have helped enable Rwandans to freely articulate and share their own accounts of what happened and how it impacted them. Bishop Selestine of The Lutheran Mission in Africa - Synod of Thousand Hills (LMA-STH) recognized, though, that his own pastors were ill-equipped to walk with their people in addressing the trauma and repercussions that echoed down the years. Bishop Selestine presented a request to The LCMS to provide training in Christ-centered counseling. 

After exploring some options, Shauen contacted the LCMS's Ambassadors of Reconciliation (AoR,, which he had learned about in seminary and then met again a few years ago when AoR presented at regional operations meetings with his fellow directors. Dwight Schettler and Ted Kober from AoR worked with LCMS missionary Rev. Dr. Mark Rabe to form a program that would draw on the Rwandan culture and expertise within the church to present relevant conversation points and realistic examples. Last week, Dwight, Ted, Mark, and LCMS missionary Megan Mantey, a professional trauma counselor, fulfilled Bishop Selestine's request. 

AoR's program, Go and Be Reconciled: What Does This Mean? provides a catechism-based foundation for the reconciliation found in Christ and then shared with others. A second program, Coaching People through Conflict equips participants in guiding others through their conflicts. With considerable research in advance of the trip, translated materials and handouts, visits in the area to learn and discover local case studies, and the cultural interpretation provided by experienced missionaries, AoR fostered an environment of mutual learning for the nearly two dozen pastors and their wives who attended the program at the church's headquarters in Rwamagana. 

Pastors and Wives of The Lutheran Mission in Africa - Synod of Thousand Hills work in small-group time during the Ambassadors of Reconciliation conference

Bishop Selestine shared that the visits made in the area before and after “left us encouraged, confident and connected.”  For the pastors, the conference itself was their first ever opportunity to all gather together as a community and approach the issue of reconciliation theologically. For the wives, most of whom had never met each other before, it was an opportunity to build a new community and gain insight and skills for their own work in the congregation. For our missionaries and AoR, the conference expanded our wonder at God's amazing act of love in reconciliation through Jesus Christ and how that flows through the body of Christ to His people - seen now through the eyes of our Rwandan brothers and sisters. After the conference, Bishop Selestine wrote, “We experienced love and the hand of God, touching our wounds, pains and past bad memories into the new proclaimed forgiveness to us and therefore new life and ministry in the finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Praise the Lord for His reconciling love, the Ambassadors of Reconciliation program which points us to the foot of the cross, Dwight, Ted, and our missionaries Mark Rabe and Megan Mantey!

Although we received some support for this program from both Ambassadors of Reconciliation and congregations in The LCMS, we moved ahead even without full funding in hand and the program currently has a deficit. If you feel drawn to supporting this work, please send a check to The LCMS according to the instructions later in this newsletter, marking the memo line "61051 - Rwanda Pastor ContEd."  


Photos in Focus


Prayer Requests

For wisdom, discernment, and patience for Shauen and Krista in their work as spouses, parents, and missionaries

For the missionaries, projects, and relationships Shauen oversees for the church

For Shauen's upcoming class on global migration and diaspora christian communities

For The Lutheran Churches in Mozambique and Malawi as they recover from cyclone Idai 


In Praise

For Shauen's successful meetings last week with the other directors in Taiwan

For Elijah's successful tonsillectomy last month and his quick recovery

For Jeremiah's hairline fracture in his femur healing quickly (and continuing to heal)

For opportunities opening up for a new church plant in Murang’a, Kenya

For healthy, safe, and thriving children
Financial Support
Give Now through the LCMS Website
Give Now through the Mission Central Website


To support this work financially, please give a recurring
or one-time gift securely through one of the Give Now
buttons above or online at or 
Make checks payable to "The LCMS" and mark the memo line “Trump-East Africa” to send a tax-deductible gift through one of the following:
The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod
PO Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861
Mission Central
40718 Highway E 16
Mapleton, IA 51034

September 17, 2018 Field Notes Released

Writing from Nairobi, Kenya
September 17, 2018

Deep and Wide - a few Months' Activities 
Across Eastern and Southern Africa

Rev. Shauen Trump and Rev. Dan McMiller (Executive Director of the Office of International Mission) spend a few moments with children during a visit to a village congregation in southern Malawi
The last four and a half months have been a whirlwind of activity in Eastern and Southern Africa (as usual).  Every day we praise the Lord for the missionaries on our field who enable all this to happen and for the church bodies with whom we are in relationship who invite us to walk alongside them in outreach and Gospel proclamation. Here's the briefest glimpse of some of what God is doing here through local church bodies walking alongside the LCMS and our amazing missionaries:
  • Tanzania, Rwanda, Kenya, and Malawi - OIM Exec Director Dan McMiller visits with Shauen
  • Kenya - Bishop's Reconciliation Retreat
  • Tanzania - Mercy Medical Team
  • South Africa - Lutheran Theological Seminary Visit 
  • Kenya - Project24 Volunteer from the States
  • Kenya - Living Faith of Clive, Iowa short term team trip to Kakuma Refugee Camp
  • Madagascar - Mercy Medical Team
  • South Africa - Missionary Rev. Dr. Tom Aadland Teaches Intensive at Lutheran Theological Seminary
  • Malawi - CLCMS Women's Guild Seminar
  • Uganda - Volunteer Visits 
  • Kenya - Dedication of new Project24 Boarding Facility
  • Kenya - Project24 Catechism Club 
  • Kenya - Sudan, Malawi, and Rwanda send students to Matongo Seminary for the first time
  • Kenya - Mercy Medical Team
Praise the Lord for His name being glorified and His Gospel going forth in each of these opportunities! 
(The photos above and below were taken by several missionaries and church leaders including Shauen Trump, Shara Osiro, Sarah Kanoy, John Wolf, and Rev. Davis Wowa)
Kenya - Bishop's Reconciliation Retreat
Some of the current and former bishops of the ELCK, seen together for the first time and working towards a reconciled church for the glory of God
Tanzania - Mercy Medical Team
Missionary Shara Osiro, a former pharmacy tech, (foreground) assists the local pharmacist (background)
Tanzania - Mercy Medical Team
Missionary nurse Sarah Kanoy takes an infant's armpit temperature
Tanzania - Mercy Medical Team
Missionary Krista Young prays with a patient
South Africa - Lutheran Theological Seminary Visit
Lutheran Theological Seminary chapel in Tshwane/Pretoria, South Africa
Kenya - Living Faith of Clive, Iowa short term team trip to Kakuma Refugee Camp
Pastor Luke Timm of Living Faith consults with the local pastor
Malawi - CLCMS Women's Guild Seminar
Missionary nurse Sarah Kanoy visits with a member of the women's guild with an injured leg
Malawi - CLCMS Women's Guild Seminar
Missionary Shara Osiro shares with the Women's Guild
Kenya - Dedication of new Project24 Boarding Facility
Kenya - Mercy Medical Team
Geoffrey (standing, left) from Lutheran Hour Ministries project in Kenya shares a Gospel Presentation at one of the clinic waiting areas

Photos in Focus
The Trump Boys

Prayer Requests

For wisdom, discernment, and patience for Shauen and Krista in their work as spouses, parents, and missionaries

For the relationships, programs, and projects Shauen supports for the LCMS in Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, and Uganda

For Elijah who is having a minor out-patient surgical procedure this week, that he may recover well and quickly without complications
In Praise

For the Gospel proclamation opportunities God has opened up in this area

For Shauen reaching the half-way point in his PhD classroom coursework

For the joy of a few weeks at home and time spent together as a family

For the ongoing safety, contentment, health, and opportunities for the amazing missionaries who serve in Eastern and Southern Africa - heroes of the church, every one of them
Financial Support
Give Now through the LCMS Website
Give Now through the Mission Central Website
To support this work financially, please give a recurring
or one-time gift securely through one of the Give Now
buttons above or online at or 
Make checks payable to "The LCMS" and mark the memo line “Trump-East Africa” to send a tax-deductible gift through one of the following:
The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod
PO Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861
Mission Central
40718 Highway E 16
Mapleton, IA 51034
Contact Us
(correspondence ONLY - no checks)
Shauen & Krista Trump
PO Box 22
Karen 00502 KENYA
Copyright © 2018 Rev. Shauen and Krista Trump, All rights reserved.

May 29, 2018 Field Notes Released

Writing from Nairobi, Kenya
May 29, 2018


During a recent seminary board meeting of a partner seminary in Africa, Shauen was asked to share about other seminaries on the continent. As he went through the list he realized how many different seminaries the LCMS is connected to across Africa. Each of these schools has a niche and an important ministry of forming church workers. The LCMS has missionaries serving at three of these formal institutions and supports all of them financially.  Theological education is the primary request we receive from the church bodies with whom we work and Shauen is a frequent visitor to many of these fine schools.  Here are the formal institutions supported by the LCMS in Eastern and Southern Africa: 
Rev. Eric Stinnett teaches at Mekane Yesus Seminary, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (photo by Shara Osiro)
Rev. Dr. Mark Rabe teaches at Mekane Yesus Seminary, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (photo by Shara Osiro)
Mekane Yesus Seminary - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  • The largest seminary with support from the LCMS
  • Issues up to a Masters of Theology (accredited)
  • Students are almost exclusively members of the Ethiopian Evangelical Church of Mekane Yesus although there are some students from South Sudan
  • Two LCMS missionaries serving - Rev. Dr. Mark Rabe and Rev. Eric Stinnett
Matongo Lutheran Theological Seminary in Chebera, Kenya (photo by Carlotta Cisternas Tiews)
Matongo Lutheran Theological College - Matongo, Kenya
  • The premier conservative and confessional seminary in this area
  • Issues up to a Bachelors of Theology (accredited)
  • Students are from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, South Sudan, and other countries
  • One LCMS missionary serving - Rev. Dr. Tom Aadland and recruiting for another theological educator!
Shauen greets and encourages students at Lutheran Theological Seminary near Jinja, Uganda (photo by Rachel Meyer)
The Lutheran Theological Seminary - Magamaga, Uganda
  • Provides scholarships from its own means for refugee students from South Sudan or Ethiopia
  • Issues up to a Certificate in Theology
  • Students are exclusively members of the Lutheran Church of Uganda and the refugee congregations within Uganda
  • Two LCMS missionaries serving - Mark and Megan Mantey and recruiting for a theological educator!
St. Peter Lutheran Theological Seminary in Himo, Tanzania (photo by Shara Osiro)
St. Peter Lutheran Theological Seminary - Himo, Tanzania
  • We pray this will soon be the fourth seminary where we have a missionary serving - Rev. Jonathan Clausing is waiting on a Tanzanian work permit 
  • Issues up to a Certificate in Theology
  • Students are exclusively members of the Lutheran Church of East Africa
Lucky Mia from the Lutheran Church of Southern Africa studies at Lutheran Theological Seminary in Tshwane (Pretoria), South Africa
Lutheran Theological Seminary - Pretoria, South Africa
  • Seminary in transition with a new principal and a change in its funding model
  • Issues up to a Statement of Results
  • Students come from across Africa including several Lutheran church bodies in South Africa, Liberia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia, Uganda, and Ethiopia
In addition, the LCMS is eager to begin providing some level of support to the Concordia Lutheran Institute for the Holy Ministry in Yambio, South Sudan and Asella Lutheran Theological Seminary in Asela, Ethiopia. 

Beyond seminaries, the LCMS also supports pre-seminary programs like the Mission Training Center program designed for lay leaders and evangelists. This program has been used in many of the countries in this area and is currently being used in Malawi, Tanzania, and Uganda with requests from Rwanda and South Africa who already have the training materials in hand. Yesterday the MTC Coordinator from Uganda, Rev. Paul Sserwaniko who was in Shauen's TEE class when we first arrived in East Africa more than nine years ago, came to our East Africa Field Office in Nairobi to collect hundreds of pounds of MTC books to take to Uganda for use by their 137 students currently enrolled in the MTC program there. 

The LCMS also supports post-seminary education, primarily in the form of continuing education courses on a topic of the local church body’s choice. This provides not only for the opportunity to engage Scripture but also the rare opportunity to fellowship together, particularly for pastor’s wives who often have never met another pastor’s wife before an opportunity like this. The course may be provided by a church leader, local seminary professor, or a missionary - but always on a topic of their choice for the sake of those to whom they joyfully bring the Gospel.

Praise the Lord for His amazing work through those he calls into ministry across Eastern and Southern Africa!

Photos in Focus

Trump Family

Prayer Requests

For the hundreds of pastoral and deaconess students studying at Lutheran seminaries in South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, and South Sudan

For our missionaries who teach at and directly support seminaries and theological education

For financial support for the work done through our own hands and for the programs, projects, and grants the LCMS supports in our area

For wisdom, discernment, and patience for Shauen and Krista in their work as spouses, parents, and missionaries
In Praise

For Jeremiah sleeping through the night 

For the mutual support and joys of marriage in the face of hardship

For restoration of health for our family after illness was passed between us for about two months

For an amazing team of missionaries and local workers - true heroes of the church - who work alongside us in this area

For Shauen's safe travels and good visits during recent trips to South Africa, Rwanda, Malawi, and Tanzania
Financial Support
Give Now
To support this work financially, please give a recurring
or one-time gift securely through the Give Now button above
or online at 
Make checks payable to "The LCMS" and mark the memo line “Trump-East Africa” to send a tax-deductible gift through one of the following:
The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod
PO Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861
Mission Central
40718 Highway E 16
Mapleton, IA 51034
Contact Us
(correspondence ONLY - no checks)
Shauen & Krista Trump
PO Box 22
Karen 00502 KENYA
Copyright © 2018 Rev. Shauen and Krista Trump, All rights reserved.



Elijah, age 6, whispering mid-way through church: “I finished my book [a children’s Bible]. How much longer is church?” Me: “It’s a bit longer. Do you want another book?” E: “No. I’ll just wiggle my tooth.”



Isaiah has some bites or a rash on his legs. Mama asked how his legs feel... “When I walk, they feel bad. When I lay, they feel good. So probably people need to carry me.”



Getting ready to walk across campus at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School near Chicago with a muffin in my hand. My mind interjects, "Cover your muffin - the baboons and monkeys will go for it." Context-switching gets easier with experience, but it's never 100%.



Isaiah (age 4): "Knock, knock!" Me: "Who's there?" "It's raining today." "It's raining today who?" "I'm superman!" Destined to be a great stand-up comedian, that kid.



Josiah (age 8) had a reading contest at school. 1st - 3rd place prize was a candy bar. 4th - 6th prize was a piece of candy. Josiah was shooting for 4th place because he didn’t know what a “candy bar” was. He got 2nd place. Turns out he likes candy bars after all.



Tomorrow morning I leave for a trip to Turkana in northwest Kenya. Elijah prays for me at bedtime: "Dear Jesus, please let papa not get sick on his trip or get home sick and let him not be captured..." understand!



Isaiah (age 4) wants to send Mama pictures (emojis)... A few seconds later I see what he has selected and already sent: “đŸ˜´đŸ’©đŸ’©”. “Did you send Mama poop!?”, I ask. Looking at me like I’m crazy... "I am sending Mama frostings and sleeping!" So that’s chocolate frosting, btw.


Christ's Care for Children: Kenya - Sponsors Needed!

Christ's Care for Children: Kenya is a child sponsorship program through The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod. Learn more and sponsor a child today at


January 16, 2018 Newsletter

Writing from Nairobi, Kenya
January 16, 2018

Nine Years on the Field

The Trump Family - December 2017
The Trump Family in December of 2017

This month our family celebrates our nine year anniversary of arriving on the East Africa field.  We arrived in Uganda on January 5th, 2009. Our family was just Vicar Shauen and Krista at that time. Shauen's work was primarily to teach a Theological Education by Extension (pre-seminary) course to lay leaders in the Lutheran Church Mission in Uganda. At the time, our host church body had one ordained pastor, three missionary families (of which we were one), and about sixty congregations across Uganda. Pastoral candidates went to seminary in neighboring Kenya. As a vicar (intern), Shauen was committed only to an 18-month assignment in Uganda, having already spent six months of his two-year vicarage building our network of support in the States with the possibility of that vicarage assignment converting to a first call at the end of our term. 

Today, the Lutheran Church of Uganda (they changed their name as they felt they came out of status as a mission into a full-fledged independent church body) has twenty ordained pastors serving 140 congregations. They have a bishop (that one pastor who was there when we first arrived - Rev. Charles Bameka), their own seminary, and LCMS missionaries serving in their midst. 

These years have brought great challenges and sorrows. We lost two children to miscarriage and had several deaths in our family in the States, watching our family grieve from afar and feeling helpless. We initially dealt with government bureaucracy in one country but expanded to dealing with it in many countries and at much higher stakes. We watched field budgets shrink year after year after year and struggled with our own account. We suffered as we watched fellow missionaries in Africa leave the field until we were just a handful left. There were many, many times we almost departed the field ourselves. 

But these years have also brought great joys. Our family has also grown - adding four healthy and happy boys over the last nine years. And Shauen's responsibilities have also grown (which is, indeed, a joy too) - from Vicar Shauen co-teaching the TEE class in Uganda to Shauen being responsible for a field office and work in Kenya and Tanzania (his first call) to Shauen serving as area director for eastern and southern Africa. We saw students in Shauen's TEE class go on to seminary, graduate, and now serve as leaders in the church in Uganda. Shauen made visits to refugee camps and rarely-visited congregations where he lost track of the number of baptisms being performed. Shauen has explored new relationships with emerging church bodies and had the privilege of sharing meals with bishops and presidents of church bodies much larger than the LCMS. We have seen the work grow and change as new opportunities opened up and as the LCMS emphasized sending new missionaries - there are now well over a dozen missionaries serving under Shauen. As we look back on the ministry highlights shared in our newsletters, we are amazed at what God has done - and continues to do. 

This year as we work towards our ten-year anniversary of deploying to the field, we look forward to what God has in store. We look forward to watching our boys continue to grow and thrive. We look forward to working with the amazing and great missionary team that Shauen has the privilege of leading. We look forward to discovering the new opportunities God has prepared for the Gospel to be shared. We look forward to investments of time, energy, and resources "paying off" in changed hearts, baptisms, and God gathering His people into His church. This year again, God will do His mighty work here and we pray to rejoice in it. 

Thank you for walking with us in this work. You are a fundamental part of this work the church has put before us. Your prayers, encouragement, and support have enabled us to survive the difficult times and to rejoice in the great times. This is your work. We are just the folks who get to do it on your behalf. Thank you for sending us and keeping us here - we love what we get to do! 


Photos in Focus

Trump Missionary Postcards over the Years

Prayer Requests

For wisdom, discernment, and patience for Shauen and Krista in their work as spouses, parents, and missionaries

For the missionaries, projects, and relationships Shauen oversees for the church across eastern and southern Africa 

For God's work in Rwanda as Shauen prepares for another trip there
In Praise

For nine years of field service

For Shauen's opportunity to stay home during December and January

For healthy, safe, and thriving children

For Christmas celebrations and that joy children have in finding gold coins and a matchbox car in their socks on Christmas morning

For school starting again after the Christmas holiday
Financial Support
Give Now
To support this work financially, please give a recurring
or one-time gift securely through the Give Now button above
or online at 
Make checks payable to "The LCMS" and mark the memo line “Trump-East Africa” to send a tax-deductible gift through one of the following:
The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod
PO Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861
Mission Central
40718 Highway E 16
Mapleton, IA 51034
Contact Us
(correspondence ONLY - no checks)
Shauen & Krista Trump
PO Box 22
Karen 00502 KENYA
Copyright © 2018 Rev. Shauen and Krista Trump, All rights reserved.


Staff suggested I not travel in the months of December or January – awesome folks, all of them (I travel a lot in this great work put before me). Unexpected side effect: I haven’t taken Imodium in six weeks. Yeah, that’s probably a new personal record.